338 South Road, Hampton 3188 1300 03 1300

Executive Health Check Melbourne

HealthScreen has revolutionised the concept of Executive Health.

HealthScreen Executive Health assessment is dramatically more advanced, comprehensive and informative than any standard physical exam, routine blood tests or Executive screening tests at other centres.

HealthScreen Executive and Corporate program offers state-of-the-art-diagnostic and screening facilities and a world-class level of personal individualised care.

HealthScreen is the Next Generation medical facility combining early detection and diagnosis with advanced multi-modality imaging technology and an integrated individually tailored Preventative Medicine program.

executive health healthscreen

Mental Health Assessment and Wellbeing Program

We understand unique challenges faced by leadership teams and executives today. We offer a comprehensive holistic evidence-based assessment of both physical and mental state to develop a comprehensive understanding of your health. Each executive health physical starts with an in-depth meeting with your executive health physician to understand your overall health and identify any concerns.

We provide multilayered packages of validated psychological evaluations and assessments designed to complement our physical assessments. These include Employee / Management Workplace Satisfaction and Workplace Stress assessment with HSE Management Standards Indicator as well as Depression, Anxiety and Psychological Stress assessment with DASS-21 to determine your current working conditions and mental health, and enable us to monitor future improvements.

Each sector of your physical and mental health interacts synergistically, and so it just makes sense to consider all areas when building a complete health profile. Our comprehensive Wellbeing Program at HealthScreen leaves the old limited approach behind and takes a new holistic look at the health of executives.

Medicine is rapidly changing and the days of ‘the old Annual Executive Physical’ are over. Standard physical examination and a routine blood test by a doctor can only provide very limited information of your health and only advanced imaging technology can fully fulfil the requirement for a comprehensive and truly detailed health assessment and early diagnosis.

HealthScreen is the only Medical Facility in the World to offer such comprehensive Early Diagnostic Imaging with MRI. MRI is not only better than CT for such areas as the brain, prostate and pancreas, but also it is radiation-free. It is the safest and most accurate way of Diagnostic Imaging.

The latest targeted MRI Imaging combined with our comprehensive multi-modality approach is also the most accurate way of early diagnosis and screening. Our key differentiator is our Advanced MRI technology, comprehensive assessment and quality of our service through every step of the examination.

Our medical experts, hand-picked clinical and concierge staff are here to ensure that you have a true 6-star experience.

Executive Health Minister in recovery
Federal Health Minister, Greg Hunt MP, at the opening of HealthScreen centre

Executive Health Minister in recovery
Federal Health Minister, Greg Hunt MP, at the opening of HealthScreen centre

All testing is done on-site and in one day, including:

  • Detailed Medical History & Physical Examination
  • Advanced Screening and Early Detection of 20 most common cancers with the latest MRI targeted imaging technology
    • Liver Cancer
    • Prostate Cancer
    • Lung Cancer (+ CT Chest)
    • Lymphoma
    • Pancreatic Cancer
    • Thyroid Cancer (+ Thyroid Ultrasound)
    • Uterine Cancer
    • Brain Cancer
    • Head and Neck Cancer
    • Kidney Cancer
  • Vascular Screening with MRI
    • Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
    • Brain Aneurysm and Cerebrovascular circulation (MRA)
  • Cardiac and Stroke Risk Evaluation
    • Coronary Heart Disease – Coronary Calcium Score (if clinically indcated)
    • Cerebrovascular disease / Stroke – ECG (AF), Cholesterol/TG, BP, Carotids Imaging (Duplex Ultrasound)
  • Advanced Laboratory Tests
  • Advanced Body Composition Analysis on MRI
  • Genetic Screening

Your exam can be individually customized with a broad range of elective options to address any of your specific concerns or medical problems.

Effective, Luxurious and Efficient

We understand that your time is precious. All exams and investigations are performed on-site and in one day in the most effective and time-efficient manner. We specialize in Executive Health and Preventative Medicine. Our offices are luxurious state-of-the-art facilities designed specifically to cater to the needs and comfort of your executive team.

Concierge Service

Our Corporate and Executive Concierge Service is here to attend to all your personal needs. From the moment you make your appointment our team is here to make this a seamless, stress free and rewarding 6-star experience.

Take Control of Your Health Now! Call 1300 03 1300 or click here:

What is an Executive Medical Check Up?

Executive medical health checks are comprehensive medical assessments made for working professionals, to assess their overall health and wellbeing. Additionally, executive health assessments screen for potential health risk and provide risk stratification, and early detection of diseases such as heart disease, cancers and stroke risk.

However, not all Executive Medical Health Checks provide the same level of accuracy, assessment and detailed comprehensive health information as HealthScreen.

At HealthScreen, our Executive Medical Health Checks are far superior than other traditional and standard executive health exams you’ll find at other clinics and healthcare providers in Melbourne.

executive health

HealthScreen’s Executive Medical Health exams are carried out in one of Australia’s most highly advanced medical facilities, tailored with utmost personalised patient care, and incorporate Early Diagnostic Imaging with MRI - a safer, radiation-free alternative to traditional CT scans.

We understand that as a working professional, your time is extremely precious. At HealthScreen, we guarantee that all your tests and exams are completed within one day - ensuring you get the most out of your time spent at HealthScreen.

Our proactive approach will identify your risk of future disease and will create a personalized program to better health, longevity and active lifestyle.


What is Included in an Executive Health Assessment at HealthScreen?

executive health medical assessments

From the moment you speak to our concierge team at HealthScreen, you’ll experience a true 6 star patient experience all throughout your Executive Health Assessment in Melbourne.

After an initial consultation with one of our experienced medical doctors and specialists at HealthScreen, you’ll be taken through a one-day Executive Health Examination that’s highly personalised to your health needs and wishes. You can find more details on our What to Expect page.

In regards to the details of your Health Exam or Exam Components, you can expect the following tests to be carried out:

  • An initial detailed medical history & physical examination
  • Comprehensive Lab Analysis & Blood Profile - including a Full Blood Examination, Kidney Function tests, Liver Function tests, Thyroid function test, Blood Glucose/HB A1C, and more.
  • Complete Cardiac and Stroke Risk Evaluation - including Coronary Heart Disease and Cerebrovascular disease/Stroke
  • Advanced Diagnostic Medical Imaging - including MRI targeted Early Diagnosis Cancer Screening, Bowel Cancer Screening, and more.
  • Physician Consultation & Comprehensive Report - your physician will take you through the results of your health examination and discuss plans as well as additional options to provide continuity of care.

For more information, you can refer to the Exam Components page.

How An Executive Health Assessment Can Improve Business Productivity & Reduce Costs

Executive medical health exams empower working professionals with the knowledge to lead healthier and more productive lives both in and out of their workplace.

For employees, this ensures they’re at their healthiest state to perform their absolute best at work in the long term. By undergoing Executive Health Checks, employees can not only make immediate changes to respond to existing conditions, but they’re also equipped with ways to minimise the onset of future health risks (including preventable diseases) such risk of heart disease and stroke, and modify risk factors such as high cholesterol, blood pressure and diabetes. Our comprehensive Cancer Screening is also the key to early detection and successful treatment.

Much like in business, you have to know where you stand. In 2002 the University of Michigan conducted a study on the benefits of executive health programs.

executive health executive health check

They found that executives who took part in an executive health program submitted 20% less health claims and lost 45% fewer workdays. Not watching the health of key executives can have devastating effects on a company. For employers, Executive Health Assessments enable staff to be healthier and therefore perform more productively at work. Employees are an invaluable part of any business organization and the engine that drives any business to success. Replacing key staff due to health conditions and training new executives is expensive and time-consuming. In addition, employers can benefit from reduced insurance premium costs, and also avoid potential WorkCover costs and lawsuits from employees who may develop adverse health conditions as a result of their employment.

Take Control of Your Health Now! Call 1300 03 1300 or click here:

The Technology & Team Behind HealthScreen’s Executive Health Checks in Melbourne

executive health executive health assessment

At HealthScreen, our highly advanced state-of-the-art MRI imaging technology (used for our Executive Health Examinations) is a safe, radiation-free and ground-breaking method that attains extremely accurate targeted diagnostic images of your body.

Our MRI Imaging is powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and BioMatrix Technology with cutting-edge acceleration technologies such as Simultaneous Multi-Slice for static 2D and 3D imaging - producing fast and accurate diagnostic scans.

HealthScreen also offers advanced CT Cardiac Imaging, Cardiac Stress Echocardiogram, Carotid Duplex Ultrasounds and Advanced Body Composition testing (HOLOGIC DXA) - all details of which can be found at our Medical Imaging page.

Our technology is backed by our leading team of senior medical specialists at HealthScreen including Dr David Badov who is the Medical Director of HealthScreen and a practising specialist physician with nearly 30 years experience in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Dr Barraclough (the Director of Clinical Services at HealthScreen) who has expertise in areas of Preventative Medicine, Fitness and Population Screening over the last thirty years, as well as many more highly trained and experienced medical professionals. You can learn more at Our Medical Team at HealthScreen.

Book Your Executive Health Check Up in Melbourne at HealthScreen Today

Whether you’re an employer or working professional looking to improve your health through an in-depth, advanced and highly comprehensive medical health check up examination in Melbourne, HealthScreen is your leading choice.

If you’ve been searching for ‘executive check ups near me/ around my area/ nearby’ or anything in between, we highly recommend you schedule an appointment with HealthScreen today.

Even if you’d just like to get further information about our Executive Health Exams at HealthScreen, we will be more than happy to assist.

Get in touch by scheduling an appointment online or calling our Concierge Desk at HealthScreen today.


Take Control of Your Health Now! Call 1300 03 1300 or click here:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much does an Executive Health Exam cost at HealthScreen?

We have a number of Health Assessment options. Please contact our office for details.

Do Executive Health Exams Vary For Men & Women?

Each Executive Health Exam can be highly tailored and individualised and as a result will vary according to certain gender-specific health risks for both men and women (e.g. Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer).

What happens after an Executive Health Exam is completed?

After all testing and examinations, you will meet with your physician at HealthScreen to discuss your results and plan further options to continue improving your health.

How long does an Executive Medical Examination last?

All testing for Executive Medical Examinations are completed within one day.