338 South Road, Hampton 3188 1300 03 1300

Genetic Screening

  • Genetic Screening is rapidly becoming an important and essential part of any comprehensive health assessment. Recent studies have indicated that over 16 percent of healthy adults carry a serious health-related genetic risk. It is a very easy test to do as a simple saliva specimen is collected and send to the laboratory. It would normally take about 21 days for this comprehensive genetic analysis. We strongly believe however that genetic tests should only be done in association with your doctor and access to genetic counselling as these may have potential important health implications.
  • Proactive genetic testing offers healthy adults without a strong personal or family history of disease an opportunity to learn about how their genes could potentially impact their health.
  • We offer three testing options that analyze up to 147 genes that are well-established indicators of a significantly increased risk of developing hereditary cancers, cardiovascular conditions, and other medically important disorders.
  • Our diagnostic-grade tests are performed in USA in a CLIA- and CAP-certified laboratory and reviewed by a team of Ph.D. scientists, lab directors, and certified genetic counsellors.