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What is Included in an Executive Medical Checkup?

What is Included in an Executive Medical Checkup?

Corporate executives on busy schedules often sacrifice their health in favour of things that would help the company and the people around them. Most executives know in the back of their mind that poor nutrition, working long hours and lack of exercise lead to stress, high blood pressure, heart disease and other serious health problems. The problem is, many executives don’t address their health concerns until they become serious health conditions. If this sounds like you it is time for a medical checkup. And even more so if you’ve had a niggle or twinge or even the slightest feeling that something is not right it’s time for an executive health check.

Early diagnosis and investigations of some of the major illnesses suffered by executives means you have a much better chance of identifying potential health problems before they become serious conditions.

At HealthScreen, part of our service is to provide high tech executive medical checkups to identify potential health and medical issues in our patients as early as possible. An appointment for one of our services including a full checkup is done onsite in just one day at our Hampton Day Hospital in Melbourne. You can expect assessments of your medical history and lifestyle that will assist you in attaining a healthy body, which typically includes:

  • The latest MRI targeted imaging technology, used for advanced screening and early detection of 20 of the most common cancers. 
  • An assessment of potential bowel cancer and prevention
  • An assessment of possible coronary heart disease including a  calcium score and CT coronary angiography
  • Stroke risk assessment
  • Epigenetic clock (biological age test), and genetic screening
  • Bone density test
  • Management/employee workplace stress assessment
  • WASI –II cognitive and intellectual functioning health analysis with a sleep health evaluation and at-home sleep apnoea screening

Standard Executive Medical Checkups 

Standard Executive Medical Checkups

An appointment and consultation at a ‘standard’ executive assessment centre can only provide a ‘standard’ physical examination and routine blood tests, urine testing and a lipid profile, but this kind of assessment will only provide a limited amount of information about your personal risks and total health and wellbeing. HealthScreen Executive Health programs are dramatically more advanced and informative. Only an evaluation with advanced imaging technology can completely fill the need for a comprehensive and factually detailed executive health assessment and early diagnosis. 

With the early detection of an illness or condition that could lead to a major problem, you can take positive action on your health and wellbeing long before it’s too late. What’s more, with executive health assessments you’ll have more information and complete peace of mind that results from the knowledge that you’re doing everything you possibly can to take good care of your health so you live a longer, happier and more productive life. 

Advanced Executive Medical Checkups at Healthscreen

Advanced Medical Imaging Technology

HealthScreen is Australia’s only Medical Facility that offers such an advanced level of comprehensive executive health assessments and services. Our aim is to assist our clients towards a healthier life, including targeted diagnostic imaging and early cancer detection with an MRI, which is the most accurate, safe method of diagnostic imaging. Being radiation-free, MRI is better than CT scans for areas of the body like the pancreas, prostate and brain. Cardiac disease risk assessment with Calcium score and Stroke risk assessment are an important part of our comprehensive program. 

Apart from the assessments mentioned above, our services include advanced laboratory tests, body composition and bone density, biological age, two consultations with a physician to discuss your findings and map a course for better health, and much more during a same-day service. Your examination will provide more information about your fitness and is customised for you, with wide-ranging elective options for addressing any medical problems, health risks, your current health status or specific health concerns.

Take Control of Your Health Today at Healthscreen

Advanced Health Assessment

For a 6-star executive health check by top-rated and experienced medical practitioners, HealthScreen offers the most effective, comprehensive and advanced service with a revolutionary approach to preventative health assessment, investigations and evaluation. We believe in a proactive style of health assessment and executive health checks, and you receive a comprehensive report outlining what we find. The process involves investigating your risk factors including genetic testing of 147 genes that are well-established indicators of a significantly increased risk of developing hereditary cancers, cardiovascular conditions, and other medically important disorders.

At HealthScreen, our proactive policies and services help our specialists to diagnose many possible future conditions that could pose a risk to your health and assists our patients and their family members to benefit by maintaining a healthy lifestyle with exercise, good sleep patterns for mental health, and a healthy diet. 

Your HealthScreen specialists will assess your risk factors and health needs in a stress-free environment, and when your assessment test results are complete, the doctors draw up a personal program including exercise to help you on the road to better health, wellness, fitness, longevity and an active lifestyle.

Your health is important to us and our HealthScreen executive and corporate health assessment program offers a world-class standard of individualised personal care, state-of-the-art health screening, diagnostic and next-generation medical facilities. Our executive health process combines diagnostic screening with an integrated individually tailored preventative medicine plan and an avant-garde, multi-modality advanced imaging technology.

Who doesn’t want to be in good executive health so they can spend more time with the ones you love and care about, doing the things that make you happy? Our experts in medicine and health, clinical and concierge staff members are dedicated to seeing you glow with wellness. For further information, call us today at HealthScreen for an executive health assessment and start taking care of your health. Make an appointment today and chat with a HealthScreen doctor about our comprehensive health assessments.

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Health Checks to Do in Your 40s

Health Checks to Do in Your 40s

Life in the 40s can be a bit of a roller coaster ride in which you’re expected to be at the top of your game, have the foresight of a person much older, while juggling family demands. You probably expect to have the energy of a 17-year-old, and the last thing you think about is your health.  

What Health Checks are Recommended and Why?

A healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise can reduce the chances of developing illness, but health checks are recommended as well, especially if you have personal or family history of a condition. You can have a healthy lifestyle – and still develop cancer, heart disease or have a stroke. By taking medical advice, and undergoing health screening, problems can be diagnosed early when the chances of a cure are higher and preventative health measures can be instituted.

An important step in getting a handle on your health is a regular visit to your GP who will give you a medical check up and suggest any tests applicable to your age and general health. 

In general, the following health recommendations for over-40s are to check:

  • High Blood pressure – High blood pressure is usually checked from age 18 because it’s known as the silent killer (sorry, don’t mean to scare you)which means you can have it and not know it. Many other health problems can stem from high blood pressure, so it’s best to have this simple test which takes only a few minutes.  
  • Bowel Cancer Test – If you have noticed changes in your bowel habits don’t procrastinate, see your doctor especially if you are at high risk. Your GP can refer you for a faecal occult blood test to rule out bowel cancer and you can also carry out the instructions in the free kit the government sends in the mail for early detection.
  • Diabetes – Diabetes is a chronic disease with over 1.2 million Australians aged over 18 living with type 2 diabetes. The characteristics of chronic diabetes are that the body is resistant to the hormone insulin and gradually fails to produce it. Anyone aged 40 or over ought to have blood tests for high blood sugar, especially if there is a family history of diabetes.
  • Cardiovascular – In the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adult population tests for cardiovascular disease risks (heart attack and stroke) ought to be done from age 35. For others, the tests are recommended from age 45. Your GP will take into account whether you smoke and/or have diabetes, or have a family medical history, which is risk factors.  
  • Skin – Australia has one of the highest rates in the world of skin cancer. The trouble with this disease is that it might not show up for 20 years after you’ve had too much sun exposure. If you have a fair complexion you are at greater risk and should be careful and vigilant, particularly if you’ve had skin cancers before. 
  • Weight – Your risk of heart disease, blood pressure problems, diabetes, stroke and cancer can be lowered if you maintain a healthy weight, but with weight gain, there is a higher risk. From age 18 you should have been having checks to keep your body mass index (BMI) under control and in a healthy range. 
  • Mental health – In Australia, it’s estimated that 45 per cent of people at some stage in their lives will suffer from a mental health condition, with three million now dealing with anxiety or depression, or both. See your GP for an assessment and they may refer you to a psychologist for from six to 10 free sessions under Medicare. 
  • Eyesight – Once you reach 40 it’s time to have an eye exam since this is the age where it begins to deteriorate in most people. Eye tests for glaucoma are important since this disease affects the pressure inside your eyes and can worsen as you age.  And get treated as soon as possible. The optometrist can also pick up signs of cataracts, and long or short-sightedness.  
  • Dental – You have probably been having a dental check up regularly throughout your life so don’t let your busy 40s lifestyle get in the way of healthy gums and teeth. Unhealthy teeth, tooth decay and gum disease can affect other areas of your health as well as your smile. 
  • Kidney – Kidney disease can be present without you knowing since there will be few if any symptoms until the advanced stages. So, it’s recommended that you have a regular kidney health check including a urine test and blood test (especially if you are in the increased risk category) or screening tests. Talk to your GP about it.

Finally, men should do a testicular self-test for lumps that could be testicular cancer. They should also have prostate cancer screening to rule out prostate cancer depending on their medical history.

Women should have a cervical screening test (a pap test or smear for cervical cancer) and a bone density scan (bones lose minerals and it can lead to osteoporosis). Women should also self-check their breasts, and a mammogram is recommended especially if there is a family history of breast cancer. Both genders should be tested for the human papillomavirus.

health checks to do in your 40s photo healthscreen

HealthScreen however goes a step further! HealthScreen is the next-generation medical facility that combines the most advanced technology with a comprehensive and integrated Preventative Medicine program. Standard physical examination and a routine blood test by a doctor can only provide limited information of your health – and only advanced imaging technology can completely fulfil the requirement for a comprehensive and truly detailed health assessment and early diagnosis.

Our simple and logical approach includes identifying medical conditions that are likely to reduce your life expectancy before the onset of symptoms or any indication of a problem, thus giving you the ability to take control of your Future Health. HealthScreen is the only Medical Facility in Australia to offer such comprehensive assessment including Early Diagnostic Imaging with MRI – which is not only better than CT for such areas as the brain, prostate and pancreas but also it is radiation-free. MRI technology is the safest and most accurate way of diagnostic imaging, so you can get your advanced comprehensive health checks with absolute peace of mind.

Book a complete health check at our Melbourne centre and gain control of your future health for a happier, healthier, and longer life!

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How To Stay Healthy As An Executive

How To Stay Healthy As An Executive

CEOs work long hours, sleep less, travel more and lead a sedentary lifestyle which is good for their bank balance but very bad for their health. Research by the American Mayo Clinic has found that the executive lifestyle also leads to struggles with work-life balance, which all in all puts them at a higher risk for heart disease, stroke, sleep deprivation, depression, and diabetes.

If you’re aware of these risks to your health due to your executive position, you have a chance to do something about it by taking control of your health, eating well, exercising, making sure you go for checkups, tests and medical examinations. Of course, being an executive doesn’t mean you’re automatically unhealthy, but don’t be one of the 40 per cent of overweight CEOs. 

Mayo Clinic CEOs Lifestyle Findings:

  • Sleep: 6.7 hours (24 per cent less than average)
  • Work hours: 11.6 hours (23 per cent more than average)
  • 4+ days a month travel: (Risks heart disease, stroke, faster ageing)

The study also found:

  • 90 per cent of executives struggle with work/life balance.
  • 73 per cent of executives’ .lives were sedentary

As a leader you know about control, so the tips below can help you take control of your health.

Effective Leaders Have No Trouble Delegating

Yes, you might be the boss, but you can’t possibly do everything. As a leader, you can create a team, ensure you’re always around trustworthy, qualified and admirable people to whom you can delegate. This means you can ease up; instead of working the executive average of 11.6 hours a day, you can delegate responsibilities and get back to a more healthy eight hours.

It’s not weak to delegate. Knowing when you need some help is a sign of strong leadership.

stay healthy executive executive health

Effective Leaders Have a Solid Work-Life Balance 

It’s not only executives who sacrifice personal and family time to work longer hours but leaders find it especially difficult to avoid overworking. Identifying family or life events that are so important you will drop everything to be there is another way of satisfying a work/life balance. Think about it. Try to reschedule an important meeting rather than miss your child’s school concert. 

Your life can’t be work, work, work. An irritable, depressed and stressed out executive is hard to be around, and being in this state only leads to a lack of productivity and takes the joy out of your job.

Effective CEOs Work Extra Hard To Stay Fit

Obesity is a major risk of heart disease and diabetes, and a sedentary lifestyle is perfect for this outcome, especially for executives. Combine the long hours, rushed meals and poor dietary habits and it’s a recipe for a health disaster.

Planning your meals for the week, bringing a nutritious lunch from home that you eat in a designated lunch break away from the desk is healthier than can gobbling a quick doughnut and coffee before a meeting. Meals of vegetables and fruit can address your nutritional needs better than a takeaway at your desk. 

Make time to exercise. This should be a priority if you’re an executive. Carve out an hour each day to exercise or do some kind of physical activity, even a 20-minute walk outside will do. 

stay healthy executive medical check ups and exams

Effective Leaders Prioritize Medical Check-ups and Exams 

Medical Executive Health centres such as HealthScreen in Victoria combine advanced screening technology with an integrated and comprehensive Preventative Medicine program. We identify medical conditions that are likely to lessen your life expectancy before symptoms or any indication of a problem appears, so you can take control of your Future Health. 

Not all Executive Health Exams are the same and HealthScreen has revolutionized the concept of Executive Health. HealthScreen Executive Health assessment is dramatically more advanced, comprehensive and informative than any standard physical exam, routine blood tests or Executive screening tests at other centres.

HealthScreen Executive and Corporate program offers state-of-the-art-diagnostic and screening facilities and a world-class level of personal individualized care.

Regular Medical Exams Provide:

  • Decreased mortality rates 
  • Less depression
  • More exercise
  • Higher health satisfaction
  • Fewer fats consumed 

The important thing is awareness of the risks so you can adjust your habits for a healthier executive lifestyle. Make better health choices, be proactive and book a complete health check at our Melbourne centre for peace of mind for yourself and your loved ones today

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